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> at least, it has brought some funny reactions like the old times when one laughed at Tumblr. It´s a cheap meme but it shows that one little image could trigger so much and represents the sector of mindless drones for arguing at anything. I haven´t jumped on it either but as you said, /pol/ and Reddit have returned to those funny standards with this one instead of forcing memes like soyboy or numale so hard. 

It only antagonizes the intended target and brings with it a less paranoid more old time laughs feel over those memes. 

> yeah, a centrist over there. I would be like that as well if I lived over there. If you have a little it of acceptance, too beta for the Republicans; if you are a bit harsh and critical in terms of inclusion and immigration, bam fascist and racist >>>/into/ the Republican side you earn your fame. 

I have been scratching my head trying to figure out where exactly I stand amist the right here. I have been tempted to label somewhat centrist but the problem for me is that there are some scholars and pundits actually consider Trump to be a centerist populist  over right wing do to his similarities with Ross Perot. (who if you don't know, was a 3rd party candidate who did extremely well  and may have had a shot of winning if it wasn't for certain events that would be too long to discus  and  planted some of the roots for trump's movement:,_1992) As you rightly point out. I just have enough of a few traits that occlude me from most factions on either side. I'd probably be a somewhat blatantly more right wing version of you over there... or apolitical. 

>  we also have lots of leftist propaganda that while it doesn´t reach your level of absurdity, it´s not that far in terms of constant demagogy. 

Probably makes it more effective.

>  They thought I would be a left wing because I have the blood of my grandfather who fought in the Republican side in the war. However, that´s not a valid argument and I still think that one has to achieve his own thoughts over time with one self and his mind.

I get it. Rural family with really deep roots having a kid who is a an absolute leftist. There is heritage, and perhaps a bit of a regional identity  as well that play into beliefs like that. I've seen it some here as well, though not a full example myself. 

> acid and basic compounds getting combined to modify the pH depending on the medium you want to fit in. The balance of it is pH=7.....water...the one that we drink everyday. Try to go for the extremes and drink bleach or chloride acid and see what happens.

Looks like we drank the bleach. Democrats have enough power to cause a ruckus (they have alrendy started to fight each other! Hate to know what is going to emerge from that leftist bloodbath in 2 years) and the Republicans have just enough power to fight them  even if it's digging their own grave too  

> I mean, I honestly don´t know what´s wrong with your ideal system. 

> Nonetheless, they like the circus and playing with us....and here´s what we´ve got.

The power is distributed very widely with several actors and groups having enough to pull, but not to win. The previous administration set a trend with massive executive action, giving Trump enough power to do the same and being able to bite back far harder then such situations of congress being under opposition control in the past. Populist power has suddenly shifted the balance away from the traditional lobbing structures, which results in the elections of far more ideologically driven candidates though they still have enough influence to push for there interests. This in turn causes gridlock,   which causes the states exercising powers (like only Texas did before) that the federal government had tried to do away with. Enough for a cirrus alright.