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> well, we are going to reach the 400 post mark soon. So yeah, I see it coming.

I can feel it in the world of the bridges of Dolores...

> If you couldn´t apply it this year, why wouldn´t you read your own story months after posting it so you could not only enjoy it during that night but also getting your own feedback while getting comfy? 

That is a good idea.

> In fact, he criticizes everything and no one is safe. He is defined as the 20 year old that has discovered the world of politics and tries to be nihilistic. You would say he is a newbie artist that has entered into the fame a few years ago but he has made like 8 albums before his character came up since 2003 so he perfectly knew what he was doing. Not a hero to listen but more like a drunk messenger that has caught the spotlight in a forced way while accidental at the same time.

Almost respectable, though not a leader who rallied anybody to a cause, but someone who chose to scream from the outside. Perhaps fruitless and edgy. Still I find it intersting that I didn't run into somebody ranting about it in a certain light. 

> Even if it does, as long as the views are understandable or have an artistic context to convey in their works, I just don´t look down at them for having different mindsets. There are other times in which one would use the artistic skills with obnoxious techniques and plain messages that I mostly pass.

There are certain things I can't stand, but others I don't care about. Somtimes I can even enjoy something with a little lefty spirit to it. Especially when I can agree or partly see where it is coming from.

> the best thing is that despite the message or political intentions, I have checked that the album itself (A Space in Time) is worth it. 

Probably heard the album long ago, but it's not in memory. Glad that you can give that recommendation.

> In fact,that song still applies today and it´s beautifully sung along with the stops, you can daydream a bit with the arpeggios. As you say, it takes not only one perspective but fears from any person who think about the political climate and futuristic decisions. That´s not just politics but a general message from the whole spectrum even if it harshly criticizes capitalism and war. 

Totally agree. In fact, I don't even disagree criticizing capitalism and war at all. It's what those types want to replace it with when I have a problem. I've always loved the opening of the song, very haunting for me.