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> My biggest challenge with them was criticism, as when I like/find something at least interesting I just tend to mention why I liked it or what it made me think/feel for the most part over an assessment of quality itself . So most criticism was only restricted to non harshly delivered mentions of narration over overall assessment.
THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING. Whenever I try to review you, I just cannot reach that level of politeness and implication easily. In fact, it takes me a lot of time to judge properly and I fear at times if the review feels adequate or not to the creator when it goes serious. That puts me in a compromise in comparison to your reviews. How does he do it? I always ask that whenever I go for it. 

You make it seem so easy but when I have to swap the role at criticizing someone else,it´s far from being an easy task.

> Perhaps I should get a bit more critical over just my enjoyment of things (it's the same struggle I have with the show) I can understand this whole freedom to experiment and being free to have a fic that fails or sucks being seen for both it's blessings and it's problems honestly, even when discounting some things that should be abandoned from /mlp/'s mentality in the name of experimentation to occur. 
yeah. That happens because we are too used to lurking on /mlp/ that we feel that an user from there is coming and putting that same mindset here. 
At least, the freedom of experimentation is there and even though it brings its own problems, those are different and the dynamic and process behind cannot lead to the same results. Furthermore, /mlp/ only allows 2000 characters for a single post. Way too small for /end/ standards

> I daydream to music sometimes. I even have a few songs associated with certain ponies or situations, but your's seem deeper than mine.
there will be a time in which you get so used to MLP and familiar to your music that both world connect and your brain holds the bridge and mediums for it.

> The way you speak of them reminds me of things of childhood even if it is somewhat recent. The personal things that you hold intimately out of an understandable fear or embarrassment though not necessarily ashamed off in their own right.
the situations I daydream are not cringy. By their own right, they hold some level of maturity at times and other times, I put calming/happy songs as a contrast to give the feel that I would realize that these events happen in that world. 
The biggest embarrassment is that you cannot translate this to outsiders until it gets applied or written in a fic just to see and analyze the results with an open mind.

> Almost seems more like a sleep dream.  
yeah. In Canterlot, without ponies around. Just me and him trying to repeat those glory days. But as the situation is not the same, we decide in the end not to replicate and take the photo of our actual faces.

> There's some potential in it, but it ultimately depends if inspiration strikes.
definitely not a task for newbies. Either I write or not, but I cannot mess it up with that.

> I still have my favorite congressional lolcow.
I will have to read it tomorrow on the bus. For sure, one has entertainment for the rest of his days and this is no exception.