> it seems that I am speaking to a mod who is tired of something yet I cannot point what it is.
Nope. Just a long time lurker and sometimes poster of endchan. I just want endchan to stay alive in case 8chan and 4chan blow themselves up in there jewy schemes ad stupidity.
> a youtuber who gained popularity because of 4chan and then, made a parody series while getting drunk and smoking a lot, even making fun of his own persona while producing it. I wrote that because I saw posts coming from him back in Autumn 2017 in which he confessed that the pony stuff saving his life was unironic.
Sounds retarded and sad. If he is just a loser and not a full degenerate I do sympathize a bit.
> Not the most inspiring stuff but eh, there you have them.
It's retarded ponyland, but I'm not gonna lie. This is an impressive effort. Discord has turned many small communities into do nothing fags. It encourages me to see this mentality even if it's ponies.