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thumbnail of CelestialConeOfUncertanity.jpeg
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> I wanted to reach to the transformation because it will lead to something else in the future. The only writing process here was following the most organic dialogue possible and avoiding huge changes in Celestia´s character so abruptly for avoiding over the edge moments.

You did. Almost flawlessly in my opinion. The dialog feels extremely organic, especially the whole problem that is driving Celestia to this with the railroad. Princess Celestia feels plausibly in character. I think there may bit a bit of edge but you're within a acceptable cone of uncertainty. Not to the point of being just edgy for edginess sake. 

> “Someone has to end up with a decision even if it´s bad. I don´t see you feeling like doing it. You have been thinking about yourself today and for some reason, you reunited us for nothing. I don´t see that patience you are talking about” Luna responded.

What is the core of this problem? Is it Luna's wish for the bat ponies? As compared to the griffins, they have been ignored and could stay forgotten for awhile longer while the griffins need to be placated. But is that good policy? To grant to those that whine the most what they want first? Will that just lead you to be stepped on? Or is it the system itself for having to worry about different groups to placate and satisfy? These are all things I could see being in Celestia's head as the doubt creeps in. 

> There was a great silence when she left. At this moment, I had to begin thinking about what to do all over again, without her on my side.

Celestia is being childish or she has a deeper hatred than she realizes.

> Now I am here in the volcanic crater. There it is the lava in front of my eyes. What surprises me the most is that despite feeling that heat, it´s not as insufferable as I thought. An average pony could withstand this ambient without entering there.  

This is something that makes me think of my own ideas with Princess Bat Cadence  at least one of the paths  Is part of this her nature that she has been denying herself? She is in the prison of Princesshood and it is hard to tell what is greed and when is too far, especially for all the self sacrifice that she has done. Though Cadence is different in that the bat form is much more on the side of indulgence than a part of herself that she has been suppressing. This makes me sympathize with her now to an extent. Though her behavior down the line could test it.
> “Someone has to end up with a decision even if it´s bad. I don´t see you feeling like doing it. You have been thinking about yourself today and for some reason, you reunited us for nothing. I don´t see that patience you are talking about” Luna responded.

As Luna said, she is refusing to do anything in the face of a hard choice...