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>>/2681/ > Though he won't make videos on 4chan himself. This group I see as another large demo that could flock to her. There not the same group as the tweens and memers but they're cousins. They like a little edge and they are the ones who stayed around things like yandere simulator and doki doki the longest. yeah, a bit sad. I tried to watch his videos but I closed them in less than 10 seconds. These kind of youtubers don´t add anything but content for keeping themselves relevant. Maybe worth for a/lolcow/ but not even that sometimes. > There is no need to watch these. It's just the lowest and most mainstream level commentary guy trying to hop on various things ( look crazy person on DR PHIL! Look weird YT thing) thanks for the advice. I discovered it instantly and with that in mind, I didn´t even bother more than a few seconds to see what he does in his channel. Just don´t shill these kind of youtubers again. They add nothing but wasting time. > And the last link is an example of somebody not from 4chan making a video on 4chan, but it's on that lower consumer level, as opposed to the mainstream memer/troll level of Internet Historian. SFW, perhaps a bit dated even for its time, and has no understanding of the DEEPLORE. The last entry the number 1 is a tiny bit of interest though. yeah, like Watchmojo but about 4chan and talk about it with tons of ignorance and not lurking on the actual site and how it works over there. > the last video I linked though, at least skip to near the front... I see what you did there.... MLP is actually like I said in the previous post, the biggest meme/prank 4chan has made and impact the whole internet. You couldn´t escape from a picture of a pony back then when the bandwagon was full and you still see a lot of avatars of ponies in random forums. So basicall,y a show gone viral that ended up a cultur/fandom by itself. All of that lead to.....this 8 years later. A single joke that seems too far away nowadays and still keep going. > This wouldn't be anything to waste time over. absolutely > Just examples of where I think the virtual YT project could go and why I think it has a decant chance of having an effect on the site's demographics. Though nothing is set in stone and YT may even kill it or it simply not catching on before it has even a remote effect. we will see but 4chan may be too popular to even cause an impression or having too much influence because users know about that site before this possible trend emerges. It all relies in a: "Let´s find it out over time" mindset. They always highlight the saucy parts of it but 4chan sometimes, spoiler alert: can be boring after lurking for a while.