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> Celestia had a PR crisis that she was clearly unaccustomed too.
> Every gesture of sympathy was cast by the now hostile media as detached and snobbish.
> The other princesses also took heat at times whenever they budded there heads into the crisis.
> Particularly Luna, who was clearly unaccustomed to such treatment and was far from graceful in tense settings.
> Cadence was just a background character, seen as a stodge of Celestia by her aunt's enemies. She only occasionally slipped up when put on the spot and could spend most of her days with her own adoring subjects in her arctic oasis away from the drama.
> Twilight Sparkle's steadfast loyalty to her mentor hurt her when she spoke up, which became more often as the crisis grew in scope, but was still more popular than Luna and Celestia do to her status as Equestria's hero and being freshest faced of the four.
> Even some circles within the increasingly organized opposition liked her and some even saw her as a potential leader in a post reform (or revolution) Equestria.
> But it was not to be.