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> It soon was apparent to the princesses that they simply couldn't wait for the crisis to subside without taking some action.

> A compromise was offered, new elected positions to oversee such things as trade and foreign relations, but they quickly found themselves bogged down by opposition from the messy, somewhat decentralized bureaucracy that Celestia had created over the years. Everything from various town positions to the noble elite. 

> It wasn't a win for princesses' opposition either, as it drew focus away from the princesses and caused various local political leaders to take stances against them. 

> It even almost caused Accountability in Equestrian Governance to have relevance. 

> The Trust and Safety party narrowed its focus back on the princesses, demanding transparency over the various secrets she held from the nation. 

> Celestia wouldn't budge. She offered hollow gestures and excuses.

> It was a winning issue as Cloven Cares and other victims retook the spotlight and joined in on with the party's demands.