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> The tug of war continued on for a year.

> The opposition wouldn't let up the pressure.

> Luna was especially prone to make gaffs that keep things in the spotlight and sympathy on our side.

> Her insults at Cloven and other victims did the most damage.

> Though Celestia by this point had gotten witty. 

> Minimizing media contact, trying to keep Luna out of the spotlight, interviews with sympathetic journalist and surrounding herself with allies.

> She was playing the long game.

> She honestly could've won if time had been a little kinder to her.

> It was easy to forget that we were a vocal minority amidst a placated, if now unsettled, populous.

> Even among those groups most opposed, many of the rank and file didn't conceive of fully removing her (except maybe the Republican League), many could've been satisfied with power sharing or her being a figurehead.

> After all, how could you conceive of removing the immortal leader who controlled the day and perhaps the night? (Though Luna was said to control the night, I have become sympathetic to the  theory that Luna was just doing some of the grunt work and was a shell of her former self when not Nightmare Moon, though this is a mere footnote that warrants further scholarly research).

> You need to have some kind of replacement.

> Fortunately the leadership of the party had already worked on such.

> Least they wouldn't have been able to take advantage of the opportunities to come.