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> Fillydelphia suffered a mad rampage from a crazed young pony who had gotten a hold of some sort of magical artifact called the alicorn amulet.

> It apparently had driven him mad and corrupted his heart.

> He killed several ponies.

> Hurt many more. 

> Princess Twilight tried to negotiate with him, but failed.

> She and several royal guards put him down in a violent haphazard battle.

> Twilight Sparkle was not prepared to kill another pony, and when she did it was an ungraceful burst of power that did a fair bit of collateral damage and a few injuries.

> She was spared the brunt of the initial controversy.

> Though some went after her, most focused their anger upon Celestia herself.

> It wasn't until questions started to be asked that she was held to the coals.

> Her careless passing of such an artifact to a zebra shaman who had it stolen from under her hooves and didn't even know it.

> It was a final effective attack against Equestria's perfect could do nothing wrong princess.

> Finally she got the taste of the ire. 

> Finally she was seen as the rich  pony from an upper class that had been fast tracked to her position and status.

> Who may not have been a spoiled brat, but was not fit to be a leader.

> Luna was the weight that ultimately drowned the princesses though.

 After an apperent timeloop ?