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> Canterlot has returned to an uneasy peace.

> There is still some tension in the streets.

> Fear among the upper classes and nobility.

> It is understandable, considering the fates of their vast fortunes are in the air at the moment.

> But an optimism has begun to manifest itself.

> It's a clean slate, a fresh start. By this point one cannot help himself and feel a little giddy at this adventure into the unknown!

> Indeed, things almost feel normal in the marketplaces today.

> Though if any city is truly in a revolutionary in  spirit, it is Fillydelphia.

> It is the only place where the radical Republican League has a grasp on power.

> It is amazing that such a bluntly revolution minded organization has power anywhere.

> And popular support.

> Most places the party still has to be careful on not stepping on the hooves of traditionalist and the temperamentally fearful of the unknown.

> Though some fear they will interfere with streamlining Equestria's government I am optimistic that the party and them see more eye to eye than they disagree.