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>>/2766/ Now on to my thoughts of the fic as it stands right now? Am I happy with it? Yes. It was my most serious fic that I have gotten fully finished and was of a decent size (over 3000 words). Is it good though? That I am more mixed on, at least a little bit. When it comes to darker settings like this it can be hard to judge as to what got right or wrong, what standard you're using. How closel do you hold the shows style? I tend to be more liberal with this in thought, do to my exposure to other fics. Yet there is still things I will scoff at implausible to happen, like say, everypony in Equestria deciding to overthrow the monarchy in a day or suddenly Twilight turning against Celestia with minimal emotional damage an inner conflict. But I'm not restrictive to the realm of possibility of events that can only happen within the show (though admittedly that gotten way larger as the seasons went on, as we've seen epic wars and references to some pretty dark concepts). Though this is trying to play a more plausible route here. I don't see the princesses leaving overnight to one controversy and it have to be something that build up and a fair bit of mistakes to be made. Even then a revolution to me seems unlikely. We know that Equestria has a strong tabloid press that can be a pest to the princess at times. Ponies often have displayed hive mind like behavior in rapidly turning against someone or something if the right pony speaks up, problem is Celestia is ONE of those ponies who many would derive such opinions from. The one pony that most ponies would be hardwired to have that behavior, so it's a bit of a hard sell, even here. Those pockets of opposition could exist I feel like, with how ineffective the princesses have been portrayed, but in a longterm fight I feel like they would be ostracized. Luna is the weakest link in this. Plenty of ponies could easily harbor or revert to being scared of her with the wrong mistakes and it is something she could easily do. If she started to be hated I see her giving into the nightmare quite possible. This fic is still plenty more possible then some, but it depends on if you ask "what would a revolution against the Princesses be like?" or "Can there be a revolution at all?" Feel like the right seeds are there but I'm somewhat doubtful that even the events described could bring them down.