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>>/2767/ > Perhaps it is not personal I may not review it yet but trust me, I see some signs of personal thoughts, mostly because of posts you made in the past > Though it is completely seperate.This fic partly existed in concept but only came in eistence in this form over the past few days it was worked on. so there are two more besides this one? and this was the side project? Wow, that´s impressive. You are surely trying to end this year with a pretty high note. > Since I'm uncertain of opportunity to work the others before Christmas I went ahad and put out this fic so that way I hve something erious beides just more scraps to post. Quality and satisfaction with what your write is way more important than setting a deadline. However, I have seen that people work better with deadlines instead of having none. > Now on to my thoughts of the fic as it stands right now? My thoughts have changed from this morning to the afternoon, it requires several reads in order to extract aspects that I have to mention and project them into a non-shitposting nor hot review. I wish I could give them to you and that you are nervous about them. But I prefer staying silent than giving a bad review that barely brings nothing for such effort. > It was my most serious fic that I have gotten fully finished and was of a decent size (over 3000 words). yeah, I believe it´s a pretty good standard size for a long fic. Maybe that should be a reference between long and too long for writing the story in one part only. > When it comes to darker settings like this it can be hard to judge as to what got right or wrong, what standard you're using. this is going to be one of my central points I want to focus. I have some thoughts about this aspect. > Yet there is still things I will scoff at implausible to happen, like say, everypony in Equestria deciding to overthrow the monarchy in a day or suddenly Twilight turning against Celestia with minimal emotional damage an inner conflict. you aware of it. But like a very wise pony said to another very intelligent pony: "There is no wrong way to fantasize", not to mention that even fanfics exist in Equestria. > this is trying to play a more plausible route here. I don't see the princesses leaving overnight to one controversy and it have to be something that build up and a fair bit of mistakes to be made. Even then a revolution to me seems unlikely. that resolution does hold a message though and you may not be noticing it. > Luna is the weakest link in this. Plenty of ponies could easily harbor or revert to being scared of her with the wrong mistakes and it is something she could easily do. If she started to be hated I see her giving into the nightmare quite possible. yeah but even with that plausibility, I think that both would commit the same mistake for the standards taken over´s hard to explain despite having that effort to make it somewhat realistic to the show. > "what would a revolution against the Princesses be like?" or "Can there be a revolution at all?" Feel like the right seeds are there but I'm somewhat doubtful that even the events described could bring them down. there are pretty saucy ingredients over here and while you seem to be focusing on the character treatment, the writing in general is what I have in mind the most to review. Mostly because your self criticism doesn´t aim that much to what I have been thinking this afternoon. I need time (even for myself by the way, don´t take my lack of review as personnel, I wrote the Mirror of Fire for a good reason during that weekend, I knew I was going to be busy as hell these days), digest your posts and your story again calmly. As for now, take a rest because you have made an impressive effort all the way. I cannot focus on first impressions nor quick posts for this. I have a few posts on the other threads meanwhile that you can reply if you want to do something else before Thursday.