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What prompted me to write this fic was this song:
It just gave me an urge to mess with that theme. Though the theme had existed in the back of my mind sense I had encountered a fic over a year ago that had a revolution occurred. Don't remember the name, only briefly read through it. Cool idea but it required one character to have the idiot ball and was pretty hard. Though this form never carried either that fic or the spirit of the song very strongly "Flaunt the fruits of noble birth" being the only direct line that got in the fic. I had originally wanted it to be shorter lines and more about the general theme but it went into details and turned into an account from a mid high official involved over a more vague story with a more uncertain date. Though the story is vague.
What took the longest was trying to find the right pictures for it. The tags like "riots" and "protest" are woefully barren. It took me a long time to find the picture of Celestia >>/2752/. As searching for various combinations of embarrassed shows more shipping related things than anything else. It isn't that there isn't more pictures that exist like this it's that the tags make them hard to find. I had to swap some out while I posted them as some of them I considered inadequate for the atmosphere. (pic related) The special effects edit at the end was last minute after I failed to find a picture of a simple scroll or open book diary or something with no pony in it. Something that I intent to use more intently in one of the other fics and one of the reasons why it is taking a while .