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> I had heard about the movie, but hadn't paid much attention because I had never been closely connected with sonic. 
Well, I have certain connections with the franchise. I certainly liked a lot the DS games and they were pretty enjoyable (and underrated by the community) so yeah, I understood how fanbases work on the internet because of them...and I discovered the "wonders" of Deviantart....which is still present to this day. So thanks, but not so much for the memories. I didn´t get involved at all, just lurked around their forums for varied opinions. 

> My brother liked the 2d era + one acquaintance who I knew of who was into it pretty heavily. (I did get some exposure to th fandom in my morbid curiosity of fanfiction days also. (oh I guess early mlp days too to a lesser extent) 
I guess we were discovering their fanbase at the same time.The 2D games are for the most part classics and fortunately for Sonic, he´s got Mania with universal praise in these years. 

> So I'll sometimes check in and see how the newest sonic thing did and stuff along those lines but never closely. 
yeah, to see how he is going and such because the franchise itself hold a pretty unique trajectory behind. Not certainly a shining path but for sure, one rollercoaster that nobody else can imitate. Laughs,cringe, a good short era and back to the vicious circle. I wonder if he can catch a break from the low quality oversaturation. 

>  I mean if that design is what it looks like it could be, they've gone full circle with the worst of sonic fanart. I would never expected it to be good but this just seems like ascended meme level. 
Hollywood being Hollywood. I mean, Paramount Pictures has the rights to do whatever project they have in mind. However, I think that despite who owns the rights, it´s not about who has the power to decide his future but what the owner wants him to be.
I mean, the fans cared about Sonic and the team behind Mania came from the fanbase and Sega allowed to give them a chance. 
Like us, we are writing about MLP characters but it depends on the vision from the writer/creator that is behind the scenes who has to care for his image. Paramount doesn´t seem to care and obviously, dark times are approaching for him sadly, only for a cash-grab movie or the "it´s so bad it´s laughably cringy" audience because of his design. 

> Maybe saga will pull a Trump and secede doing everything wrong and doubling down on a bunch of losing strategies, who knows? 
I would watch a funny scenes compilation out of it though. 
> Pokyman also looks... interesting? Can't say it's awful but it's treading the line of uncanny.
the artist behind drew amazing realistic pictures in DA. I mean, that´s impressive for a DA user to get a contract but it certainly doesn´t translate that well in this production.

> Do whatever is easiest for you. Even if it meas weeks off. I'm not in a rush 
But Rush inspired you though. I expected a metal song but it seems that Canadian band is appearing several times on the /end/. Just like me with Spiritualized and Nico. 

And yeah, I have finally come back to a less stressful routine today. Whenever I get bored or something, I will review it.