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alright, did you know that i had to read your story like four times in order to get all the stuff that is going on? 
Like sweet mother of the nations, I could have probably misinterpreted it completely. I have to read more properly because this has a lot of meat going on yet I don´t know if I can enter completely into the details shown. 
First off, I will start with the biggest downside that turned me off and it was the world of mass media. The FiM setting that you would expect is by having an early 20th century or steampunk era, where no constant journalism like the 21st century does these days. That aspect confuses me because they would have had to develop more than the newspapers for those actions.

However, it seems that while you are intentionally going political, you can redeem that by adding another layer, how a saucy story that happens to a pony sells a lot more than an intellectual revealing all the secrets and 4d Chess coming from both princesses. Like you would need a tragic story like Anne Frank or something for "Red pilling" the masses. To me, you seem to describe how the society from today works and how the narrator becomes an actual pony who is describing the facts and participating in the protests. 

That´s the thing. It´s so political that while the protagonist doesn´t deny at all that he is in favor of the revolution, he is describing the events as if it was a dystopian novel.
> I don't even know what even this document is meant to be, as it seems that I have gradually transitioned from the whole to the personal.
> But I can say that I am proud of that I have been a part of it. 
> The revolution is over, the rebuilding of our country has begun. 
It seems that the protagonist in the end was one of the soldiers that fought for the revolution. Whenever you introduce the word "I", the author disappears form having a real world impact to one that impacts to the imaginary world. You introduce yourself as one pony that has lived those events closely hence he knows them so well despite having bias towards the peaceful ending.

Like it happened in the Cadencebat fic, when someone expects a fic coming from the Bridgefag, he goes and develops descriptions constantly, one after the other and how it builds into something tense yet you expect that the events aren´t turning well. That´s the biggest highlight, the fact that you are looking for descriptions to describe all the tragic stories, how diplomacy is getting debased, how the opposition has to think and look for the least harmful way to end with this system and even an introduction that the tritarchy had a period in which the entire society looked up to them.

It´s unlikely to happen, yes. But this fic is more like a warning about how leaders should take care about their corruption because in the end, if you cause trouble in secret, trouble will find you sooner or later. Obviously you decided to go for Luna as the least mature of the two. Nonetheless, not many politicians can survive to the constant bad press all the time because it affects their personal lives and not all their life is simply politics. However, they were treated as deities and they don´t have fears of passing through a bad period and even Twilight sacrificed her image in order to go through that "temporal mess".