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>>/2817/ > It´s like Noam Chomsky lived over there and wrote his thoughts. Glad. Though I had no character in mind as him I was thinking of him believe it or not when writting this. Particularly the more radical left wing forces. > . an analysis to the elites that hiding their movements and that the writer over here, has experienced similar acts in California with BLM or SJW acts. Fillydelphia I especially envisoned BLM. There being already discontent and then a poorly handled crisis with Twilight to blame setting them over the edge and pushing the most radical to the forefront. > One potential turn off could be the setting at first: it could drive people away because they don´t want to be absolutely reminded of their lives are sucked in, when they come for FiM for happiness and desire for improving themselves. I did draw from politics but actually didn't intend for it to be a full direct commentary, but it is indeed there isn't it? There is a lose idea to a squeal that also would have some political connections but it would take me a long time to explain without spolier, plus not the highest priority at the moment. > an introduction that the tritarchy had a period in which the entire society looked up to them. And even with there removal I'd imagine be very hard to fully remove that status. Even to the very end the discontent that I generated I'm not sure is enough to remove them and you'd have a problem with different areas having different levels of support, plus there would still be many ponies more fearful of change than ready to abandon a thousand year constant ruler. > You have acquired all the schemes made over here, the discussions from September, the influence of music for creating a story and quoting lines from them and recontextualize what you want to write for your purpose with images supporting your vision (using the perfect trifecta of art, music and writing), an introduction of two posts. Indeed. This is a work influenced by /endpone/. I specifically was thinking of your writing style when writing this. > Not the most ideal fic for Christmas but for sure it pays off for the skills and care brought into it. Indeed, dark and gloomy. I hopefully will have some happier shitposty stuff that I will post too. (I have scraps at least).