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>>/2816/ > alright, did you know that i had to read your story like four times in order to get all the stuff that is going on? > Like sweet mother of the nations, I could have probably misinterpreted it completely. I have to read more properly because this has a lot of meat going on yet I don´t know if I can enter completely into the details shown. Wow. I am not sure if that makes the fic better or flawed. Problem I think is that I have a very multiplexed view of things, so I didn't come up with just a clear antagonist and one or two factions but several that were all loosely aligned but had different interests and perspectives. Another was that some details were vague, perhaps too much so, but I thought that added to the dark and somewhat ominous atmosphere. > 8.4 out 10. > The more I read it, the more I get it but still, there are only two downsides over here. Nor cringe nor edge are over these problems as you would fear, in fact, the descriptions fix everything and that´s what makes me think that what I saw the Bat Cadence fic wasn´t just an illusion. > All of that by reaching descriptions that could come from a 1984 novel style instead of the typical edgy fanwork. And it is my turn to feel awkward with praise as you have with me sometimes. I don't feel it as strongly but I understand the little bit of fear that comes with it. It feels funky to accept it in this world of a thousand dangerous circle jerks. I suppose on the other end a fear of not being able to hit the same mark again, but that's only a tiny bit as I'm relaxed here at this point and too laid back. I'm glad it struck a cord and you read it quite well, even stuff that was unintended in meaning was there in spirit. My own experience with politics and stuff like that. > that resolution does hold a message though and you may not be noticing it. This was a quite good assessment. > Enjoy your Christmas and the fireworks. The mid-elections are over and article 13 has been delayed for the rest of this year and the people has spoken this year. We have survived one entire year over here... I will. You enjoy your's as well. We are on the cusp of a year here so rest and shitposting is in order. Esepcially with the chaos on and off the net. > You can calm down for a while yet I feel that you have something better to deliver in the future. Cool. Only advise is to not over do it. I will put my other fics on a slow boil and see what I can do, while calmly shitposting of course.