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>>/2820/ > I was actually trying to think of the Princesses and what would be the weakest links and likely causes for a revolution against them. I thought with how wishy washy their power and how many threats Equestria faced where Equestria was walloped that'd be the most likely path to some discontent to be had. I didn't imagine the princesses being sinister at all, just caught off guard with the ruckus and perhaps somewhat disconnected to an extent. Yeah, you went with the most plausible way to find a reason to start the revolution yet the way I see it, is that they seem nice from the outside but evil occultists whose actions remain hidden from the rest. Occultism by itself tends to cause a sinister sign and it can get very easily correlated to elites who decide in a black room. This enters more in the nitpicking zone than anything. > An attentional flaw is the secret knowledge that Celestia has kept on the numerous magical artifacts and threats. yeah, like hiding the Elements of Harmony or the artifact that Twilight used for traveling back in time in It´s About Time. > it would be an avenue for attack if you reached a point with safety as a concern and a way I could image you putting somepony in a corner she wouldn't easly get out off. seems reasonable > it seems that Equestria is moving on a trend with a gossipy media and I was imagining it but more developed say after a few years to a couple of decades or longer after the show yeah because otherwise, they wouldn´t be able to judge so quick about the events. Not to mention that technology these days informs 24/7 to literally everyone and opinions and views change with more volatile reactions. Newspapers offer responses with time delays and while the French Revolution happened because of newspapers and word of mouth, newspapers cannot offer a recommendation nor bring success to a book like Cloven Clares´s one in such a short period of time. > I just said mass media thinking the rumor mills now but more developed in their world with no thought of net or TV. It is the thing that turns the concern and uncertainty into rage with the juicy story (Cloven Cares) though not for all, but for some, with other intellectuals who hated her making their moves in the background. well, it´s basically a flaw that the word by itself clicks for the reader as the things we are used to seeing. Mass media are just that, mediums for communicating to the masses yet. I mean, we have had Ponyville Confidential and Fame and Misfortune but with stories like these, the mass media hold the 4th power for everything. I felt turned off from the fic when I read that at first because I implied that meaning, even though I knew Equestria works with newspapers.