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>>/2822/ > I am not sure if that makes the fic better or flawed. sometimes the best works are eclectic. Look at the White Album from the Beatles and its fame these days. > Problem I think is that I have a very multiplexed view of things, so I didn't come up with just a clear antagonist and one or two factions but several that were all loosely aligned but had different interests and perspectives. for a political view, that´s a relief. It incites more objectivity or a realistic view on what´s happening outside your bubble. Even the antagonists have their own reasons to follow their path and end up being considered with that status because of misinterpretations....and plot twist, the "heroes" could actually be the villains. > Another was that some details were vague, perhaps too much so, but I thought that added to the dark and somewhat ominous atmosphere. basically, there was not much else to explain because you went fair enough into the detail territory and some of the backstories can be easily implied to where they come from and how it ends. Especially in politics, a topic that repeats by itself a million times over and over. > It feels funky to accept it in this world of a thousand dangerous circle jerks. I suppose on the other end a fear of not being able to hit the same mark again, but that's only a tiny bit as I'm relaxed here at this point and too laid back. I mean, it´s normal. These are circlejerks that shouldn´t happen and antichan culture (/soc/ for example in 4chan). However, this is a community in the end and believe it or not, when an anon tries to create OC and tries his best, the rest should take care of him if he actually wants to go for it. It basically means that I go as far as you want to go. You write seriously, I will review it seriously and even encourage it if it´s good material. Even in /Mlp/, some anons are really supportive these days for any activity over there. It surprises me that the fanbase isn´t that hostile in the end even with anonymity in the middle. So no, that rating has a fair number of critical reasons. The most relevant thing that changes it from anyone else is that I know your context. > I'm glad it struck a cord and you read it quite well, even stuff that was unintended in meaning was there in spirit. it´s not as one dimensional as one would have expected. It becomes a bit difficult to follow at first because of random backstories that in theory shouldn´t matter that much yet the following events happen because of that. And for the correct interpretation, I have had it a bit hard as well to point it out. One review that I take seriously and the standards for it escalate quikly: from a shitpost to this level. > We are on the cusp of a year here so rest and shitposting is in order. Esepcially with the chaos on and off the net. one year since I posted this.....anyway, let´s end this year in peace. > I will put my other fics on a slow boil and see what I can do, while calmly shitposting of course. basically. Even with that lack of activity, you have posted a longer fic than the main board and this site for ending this year. I have yet to write the 3rd part of the Mirror of Fire yet I have other preferences before that. I would rather keep the usual shitposting and keep this a bit active before that. Also, we are reaching 3000 posts.....with two anons.....and we tried it for 300 last year...