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> oh....then it´s no wonder you had seen undesirable material from there. I only arrived at watching OCs in DA and fortunately not the porn around then. At least, pony kind of get away with it because you haven´t seen that level of awkwardness and naughty style drawn into it.

I generally try not to let the trauma of the past affect my judgment of the anthros. As I said, don't hate them blindly, but a bad taste has been left in my mouth. Still, I won't rule even messing with them in the future, because with that kind of judgment how'd any of us be here?

> who draws the line over there? That liberty is a gift and a curse. 


> Without browsing the internet, I thought Sonic was as solid as that but it turns out that he has traveled through a rollercoaster of quality. 

> Me on so many things as a child.

> well, not even at that. Cross the fingers if it manages to be cringy/badly memorable like Sonic 06 or something similar. Because to me, this is more like Hollywood´s cash-grab and same old cliches from there applied to Sonic. At least, that cringe was kind of his unintended style that we at this point know, but Hollywood thanks. 

Exactly, it's been striped of it's identity of and there maybe nothing that sonic fans can even take iroic pride it. 

> I finally did it yesterday. And even then I had to improvise and I said that I had wanted to review it properly. It seems that you have liked the way I have reviewed it but I had to break a bit the schemes and type whatever happened into my head while having a few aspects prepared.

I thought it was perfectly fine. TBH, I've only written notes, never even prepared any of my reviews, so you ent farther than me.

> honestly I expected to do it with less improvisation and more like professionally taking a view on it but I had to go with the last hour structure and not having almost any pattern of its structure save the thoughts built over the week and combining them with what I typed in the keyboard and I saw at that moment.

I just write down notes and ramble on. Though I've tried to give a bit more recently you still went past me here. 

> yeah thanks. I am still tired but that might be because my body has left the active tense mode of these two months and now, it resents after having so much to cover and overcome. Until Thursday, save 3 or 4 days, I haven´t stopped since mid-October and I find myself astonished that I have been carrying everything as if nothing happened.

Sounds like me after my grandmother passed. Though I suppose that's different in many ways, I get that feel of just feeling drained but more relaxed after being on duty so long.

> I mean, I don´t have to feel perfect for posting over here but it´s just that my body feels inspired for 5 things instead of 8 possible ones that I could normally cover. Nothing tragic nor dramatic, far from it, just a bit more consumed than usual. That´s it.

Feeling a bit of that now. Do to our yearly Christmas trip that we are  probably  going on. Came up as a surprise. Hence I'll probably reply in parts this week.