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>>/2835/ > and I won´t lie, the situation here is awfully similar to the USA just that it keeps the violence aside and only try to hope that only words and actions end up this mess. Part of me feels that it could be a dark period, but my gut doesn't point toward a civil war outright. Feeling a bit drained from all the christmas prep and aborted trip so I'll bring up that darkness some other time. > You are mentioning that some ponies still love that monarchy and without that system, it would feel as a blank page in which freedom scares a lot to the traditionalists. It would take time and a generation or two to fully accept it. Something many don't seem to remember: the progress doesn't necessarily move forward and the new doesn't always defeat the old. > I will say it again, hearing that someone gets an influence from me is just way outlandish to my expectations. I have always stood out for being a supportive column instead of placing myself as an important influence I can understand that. Especially with that fear. It's a good one to have, as the alternative is ego. I can relate but only slightly. Over the past few years I've had a handful people tell me sometimes that I'm very charismatic and well spoken, yet I've always felt somewhat timidness and am a complete introvert. Usually it was people who didn't know me too well, but it was interesting to have even been able to somehow accidentally made that impression. Though I have a different mentality than you and there are dozens of factors I've left unmentioned, I think I can grasp that feel to an extent. > However, I say that you can get better because your style will develop and detour from mine so I said that you have the base but from now on,it all depends on where you want to go. My other too fics, and my previous ones that weren't full shitposts, were wordy, a little too wordy at times. I usually write in 3rd person with a vague point of set on one pony (well, that's the ideal anyway). I like this style because it's easier from thoughts to words and, though heading in my direction, I may indeed take influence from this as it has made me think of wording things more simply. Though I still plan to use 3rd person for most fics. > I don´t usually comment that much about shitposts but oh well, Because most aren't worth much comment unless there is more behind them of course, or it's a long comedy fic or joke.