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> which Disney sadly brought again. I didn´t know why but I had the sense that if the new trilogy was animated, I would have absolutely considered that they would serve as typical animated Disney films for some reason with its formulas and such. 

I actually remember seeing so many fans hyped thinking that Disney was going to swoop in and fix all of Lucas' problems. I was distrustful but trying not to be a blind hater, but man, while perhaps some are gone, a lot of new ones arose and some made worse. My main fear being overmarketing.

> George Lucas way to define its child friendly feel brings something different but they weren´t that entertaining either.

It felt bland. He was very very very stubborn, he had acquired this from being told star wars wouldn't work in the first place, so there was some arrogance there. So he was blind to criticism such as wooden dialog and overdoing plot points. Though there is a layer of irony to all of this as he was planning a massive Star Wars mutimedia project that was only partly realized (the force unleashed, clone wars cartoon), that seemed to be going in a darker direction at points. There was to be Star Wars first M rated game and a TV series from which Rough One's plot was lifted from the episode scripts...
I mean, that could've still sucked, especially if he got stuck on stupid over detailed plot or something, but it was interesting that he seemed to be trying to strike a balance and bring some seriousness again from episode III to when he decided to call it quits around 2010 or so and started secretly looking for a buyer.  

> o it´s no surprising that one would end up with those thoughts. It´s not a matter of tools but using them properly (the edit thread is coming up to my mind)

Yeah, fully agree. 

> wow, that detail shows a lot of care behind the process. I didn´t know that.

That's one of the interesting things about it. I see the prequels rather than simply just sucking or being secretly great as immense  raw talent handicapped to various degrees by bad and or odd choices. A lot of things and practices they helped spread (digital cameras, fixing things in purely in post)   or introduced  and there was things and techniques invented for these films, and usual choices in story structure and unconventional camera work (especially in episode III I have heard), that make something impressive... if flawed and understandably turn offish for a lot of people.