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> Actually neither of them just the  >>/273/ guy. The board was ownerless one year ago when all of this started, and I grabbed it at the start of January. were the one who shitposted it and at the same time, you claimed it and left after the race for the 300 mark...

are you aware of what you have created?

> spare for adding and deleting few banners, and deleting all wordfilters spare one (you know which one)
alright, I did notice that part. 

> There are some rules in made by the old 8chan mods, I haven't bothered doing anything with them. If you fancy I can put some code of yours there, should you feel the need to have "the law" materialised. Or delete them altogether, or leave them be, whatever really.
alright, we have usually applied the 3 global rules and reported spam or flood (in this case, double posts for the most part and spammers who not only do it for this board but on several).

The NSFW rule is a pretty questionable one, mostly because there were anons shitposting that without spoilering when 8chan mods were there  >>/22/, not to mention that I did it as well before. I was either thinking about applying that rule in general but as for dedicated NSFW thread, it doesn´t apply. I don´t know, that one is a grey zone because by browsing a chan, in theory you should be over 18 or at least, know how imageboards in general work in this day and age. It depends how much flexibility one should follow with this one.

The problem I find with the 6th rule is that this board has found activity because of metaposting (a huge circlejerk, I am not going to lie) and off topic stuff and after that, create pony content from those posts. Not to mention that Ponychan has huge circlejerks and an entire boards for off topic stuff with ponies in the cover.  

The biggest problems that the /end/ might find are spammers and outsiders who barely give a shit. Those rules anyway are a good standard if it went in a chaotic rhythm.

As for now, leave them as a guidebook for messy situations and avoid disasters. These are my comments and I still find the 3rd global rule as the most practical one. 

> This board didn't need any form of moderation for entire year besides un-checking one box to allow duplicate files 
yeah, I actually posted a couple of pics in /operate/ and mentioning that this board had a big problem with the duplicated files and at least myself don´t have a huge gallery of ponies to shitpost so I use repeated ones at times. Also the notification was getting somewhat unbearable and consumed us a bit.

> and deleting like 3 posts tops. And adding banners. All I'm doing is nothing more than what qualifies as simply squatting the board.
I´ve seen more chaotic squatters even though you were here right at the beginning of the 300 project. What I ask myself is how much you have lurked of the posts made around here meanwhile.