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> let´s say the majority of chan users are into it, Derpi is so-so with it and EQD casuals tend to avoid it

My thoughts were like 90% chan and 70% derpi, if you were to ask me before that stats, though after seeing them I probably have to revise that number again.

> clop indeed was an issue that certain "fans" wanted to deny because that would ruin the image. The bandwagon may have created the golden era yet those groups happened. Look at how the early fans that left always claim that clop was the biggest problem when nowadays, it barely causes any drama.

Last one I remember anything close is when the webste split from ponychan over the relaxed moderation rules.
surprisely still seems pretty active...

> Arbitrary moderation is one of the main reasons I don´t like putting myself as a mod. 

Indeed. Being a mod is a stresful task, because even if it's a small group, if some other posters were to come along, even just one, and break the dynamic in a way that was gray it could be a pretty hard choices to be made...
 not that we are restrictive, we'd be happy if somepony else were to start posting here 

> MLPChan tried to copy it yet how many boards have survived after 2014? 

If you're talking about the fandom, not a lot... ( with a couple exceptions of boards born later), if you're talking about the net in general than I can think of several.

> whenever you have that topic ready, go for it.

After the new years shitposting I'll go for it.

>  I guess he sold the franchise because of dissatisfactions with the prequels and the clash between the reception and that stubbornness.

That'd be part of my guess, though I think it was production problems with his grand multimedia project may have zapped his will; he made allusions to struggling a bit with fitting star wars with networks and other troubles  if I recall right, been years since I read up on all this 

> Well, that there are people who is considering if checking episode IX out or not (including me). The closest try in which they got the SW feel was in Rouge One as I said before. As for the rest, there are so many things to point out negatively that it isn´t even funny but hey, let´s sell the new merchandise 

I was always very fearful but I didn't want to be a butthurt fanboy. I really didn't like episode 7 (Ben would've been cooler if he was like a young han solo trying to act like Vader and be overconfident, gives Ray a more valid path to taking him down without being OP), but I said to myself I'd give th first film a pass because, even if it could go wrong, it could go right. After all, Disney did have some real talent and a bit of soul left even in there mega corporation status and I figured they'd be careful. Rough One came along and while I didn't like the first two acts I thought the 3rd was awesome. And then the Last Jedi Happened... You know the rest there. 

> which would make them more memorable if it wasn´t because of the story itself.

That's the tragedy. 

> I haven´t paid much attention to the camera work in the 3rd episode. Neither I noticed that there was anything wrong with nor felt interruptions because of them. I am not too keen on cinema stuff but it didn´t interfere me. 

Me neither actually. I only noticed it from armchair film buffs pointing it out (particularly in discussions with in regards to reexamining and comparing). TDLR: basically in how there is a true sense of scale and how well it managed a overwhelming amount of movement and color without it losing focus and still having a sense of what's going on while most films shoot there shots a lot more closer to the characters and you have a hard time telling what's going on amid all the action. (Compare Last Jedi Hanger with Fin and Rose with the battle of Utapu). Not really worth going too into since TLJ has already been discussed to death.