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thumbnail of 1924249-the_queen_of_darkness_by_nightpaint12_dcvxmzx-pre.jpg
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oh Hi Twilight, having fun?
yep, Trixie sure does.
fuck the system. The rules are meant to be broken, we 2019 and look for season 9 and the possible ending of this generation. Don´t be cowards folks. 

that princess has low levels of attention or has drunk way more than she should...fortunately the tetrachy didn´t do that.
> The illegal fireworks are so much I can smell them inside!
it seems that we have applied the same practice. However, I think your fireworks must have cost a fortune in comparison. That sounds fun but relatively speaking, those fireworks beat the hell out of the ones thrown yesterday over here.

> illegal
really? Bridgefag please. We all have used them. 

17 seconds Dolores. Seventeen seconds in between the shitposts.
Her tail is fine though
maybe you are one of the few ones who memes this nowadays

that songs sure makes you blast off for the new year. When U2 was a pretty good post-punk band, they sure delivered for this day.

Oh shit nigger, what are you doing? They are duplicated (unlike the previous year *wink wink*)


> a new hastily done simple banner for the new year! 
HI Anon! I have celebrated the New Years by duplicating the number of princesses! Now you can see our smiles with a bigger size!