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>>/3108/ > I didn't come around till new years day. and I created the Celestia thread because I had thought you brought the HI Anon image.....when it was the owner. I have to lurk and tell who is behind the posts. > If I hadn't seen the activity in my random online wanderings, then it I would've likely never found this place. well, there are always a little prize for having the bravery and curiosity to check other places. I had discovered this chan around 2017 when 8chan had to migrate over here because /8pone/ didn´t work around that time. I knew there was a board over here but until someone shilled endchan in December on /mlp/, I didn´t bother. Then I used it for a few days for posting images I wouldn´t have the proper chance nor fitting threads for them so I just posted them as if I were in an echo-chamber for myself.....the rest is history. > if things don't look to serious I'd like ta give it a shot (and get shot when the great /pone/ /sp/ whoever else war). ufff,that would require some heavy weaponry. Keep in mind that while they could be defendless of any attack, we are not doing much better. There have been miracles in the past that were carried out by very few people though. > Archive? like the 4chan/8chan´s one in case the threads arrived at page 15 and get deleted. > whom you've run away from before may wanna claim vengeance especially if there was effort behind the celebratory post. > being too strong and deluded with power or too weak and not being about to make critical decisions I can make critical decisions. What I find worrisome about being a mod is that there is no useful feedback and if you make mistakes, other anons believe that it´s censorship or anything related. Well, that and any random reply that could drive to serious business. I would never apply for it, especially in chaotic boards like /b/ where you get tense responses for doing it badly. The most plausible behavior is by no giving a fuck about what you do but people do notice it instantly. >>/3110/ > the global moderation is less detached from the userbase, and would respond to such request more promptly. much less detached when the actual owner is aware of those events from happening over here, not to mention that the subject by itself is the core of having a sane board in terms of activity and "flowing" posts in each thread. > I thought more of having a local copy of all posts and images scrapped, maybe shared on demand should someone want it. we could use the NMAiE general for pastebins and stuff, compiling the links, threads and all the stuff. It´s easy to copy it from any user and by just simply using CTRL+V from any Word´s user, you recover it. There are several routes/solutions for that, most of them really effective and instantaneous.