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>>/3133/ > having legitimate trouble telling definitely you two apart at a times, or telling who is who. we could tripfag like Ponychan does (and they use secure tripfags by the way for each thread, the anti chan principle applied over there) We kind of get now where one stands but if there are more people involved, not even lurking hard can save you of confusion. > why are you trying to credit me with kicking this whole thing off, when my post was only a second? If there was no post to reply, I would have not made a reply. I am one of those that is either an introvert as fuck and doesn´t say much but short answers or extend the conversation to limits it wasn´t intended to achieve. Basically, what I tried is sum up in building something out of nothing until something actually important to talk about happens. > Dealing with fallout, if any, maybe. yeah, I was thinking mostly about the backlash, not the achievement itself. > how mad and vengeful can one be over 1 stolen post of round digits? (famous Internet last words) eeeerm, the person who said those words must have been pretty innocent before putting them on practice and something tells me that one can discover Pandora´s box. > Checkmate. nice dubs > I kind of see why 4chan mods went quieter and quieter as time went on, from plenty of interactions and public bans, to behind-the-scenes invisible moderation. Though it certainly did create a positive-feedback loop, which didn't help their case any. well, it could a possible explanation about what happened over there as well. However, I think Hiro taking over the site makes you wonder if that´s the only reason for them to stay silent. > if I were the owner of small chan, I'd also poke around any boards that had a sign of activity, at least once in a while. if I had too much time, yeah I would do that. However, I am one of those that has a bigger preference for the ride than the chan. The chan state is somewhat secondary even though one has to keep track of what´s happening in general. > saving a local copy of all threads (just text) is very simple, really trivial even. Just did that today, in fact (the attached zip file) it´s pretty indeed. In fact I saved the bumplocked thread as well because that´s the only one that could fall off easily if any raid happened. > there are ~2977 distinct files posted on this board, if I didn't fuck anything up not a bad number actually