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> it already expired. It lasted around 3 weeks, started about mid November. 
uh, alright.
> don't know exactly if this rangeban has been applied because of /mlp/ spammer.
November was the month when the 4 raids happened. Either it happened with Le Happy Merchant one or the Cory in The House´s one. 

> don't know the rules on that chan (nextchan?)
it´s incredibly basic, it has less rules than this one. As a owner I could set the rules over there because the chan is (or was) on beta so it was painted as an easy target for anything. I don´t like having to deal with chaotic stuff all the time because I would need some basic rules to keep that thing properly. 

> as long as you log into mod account once every month you're fine (that's how it works here).
nobody has claimed it and I am not that interested but I wanted to plant a seed over there. 

> been there done that too
naughty boy over here

> who's using a tracker/help of software not disclosed to public, that he designed and coded himself? Honestly, this starts to sound like a doping in sports debate
yeah it sounds like we are entering into that debate. Honestly it´s way harder to deal with it on the internet and in the end, doing whatever thing they have in mind mostly wins and there is nothing one can do about it, especially when you can set it up  easily in case that you get rid of it.

> Layers of abstraction are a good thing, and a magnificient invention
as if studying physical chemistry was already complicated to understand...

> a by-effect of this is that it leaves anyone knowledgeable in field (not only IT, I'd say any field of science, trades, anything) with that feeling of inadequacy and lost exclusivity (or maybe I'm just projecting).
yeah, having pseudo intellectuals or egomaniacs that believe that they know everything just by reading 4 articles about the topic. I see that happening in /mu/ with music as well. When the obscure music get popular, they adapt a contrarian hateful vision about it because it´s too popular and accessible for normal people

> When the culture was young and curious, the things to come uncertain, and that absolute sense of unregulated freedom, the field of seemingly endless possibilites.
applying that to the internet, that´s when fanfictions, creepypastas, urban legends and the classic memes happened with Newgrounds as a creative site for them. The internet wasn´t all that used for many things save entertainment and a few things until well, Wikipedia got a huge boost and mass media noticed about its power. 
> I guess things again apply not only to IT, but in all the other places too.
applied to literally anything.
> in reality old times get a huge boost by a means of nostalgia glasses, and 20/20 hindsight, and reality wasn't all that perfect. But I like to pretend it was.
to sum it up, you can take this internet line into account for those thoughts:
"Remember when /b/ was good? /b/ was never good."