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> You were reading about American Municipal law?
Nah, it was brought up in one paragraph as an explanatory example.

> If you can fire rockets in th city that will indeed surprise me
People do that yes. Still not sure how big a 'rocket' we're talking, though.

> there are some places are populated but choose never to form a government
So what then, they're direct subordinates of the state/federal gov. or something?
> towns can be located in more than one county
Well bigger cities here 66 of them exactly, if you want to play guess the country also do that (though only in theory, in reality it's just one large county I think, so no span across the divisions here as well), but they never span across province or state boundaries. Crazy stuff indeed.

> or other country with a shooting culture?
I wouldn't say there exist any sort of shooting culture, as firearms are practically nonexistent here.
> I'll add a irory of my own then: in Texas you can't equip a gun with a bayonet.
Each country has it's own law quirks, or outdated historical decrees. I'm guessing that's a leftover from civil war era?