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>>/3155/ > I'm not against namefaging or tripfaging in general, though even on chans that had it I usually refrained. yeah but i think I will stay nameless for a while unless I write something new. > I always heard their was a chaotic group of tripfags and tripfags used to be more common on /mlp/ as well... there are actually constant tripfags over their generals. Particularly MLPG and probably the CYOA? > and some anon mentioned us once yeah, he visited this board around early December/late November I think and he screamed because of the amount of content posted over here. He had thought that we were a community because of the bug in the normies number. >>/3156/ > The wording clearly implies the context under which the action is forbidden, all other contexts are not. > 3.No spamming; no flooding that compromises normal operation of the site. > right at the front of the page > but the 3rd rule was actually since the beginning My life is a lie, everything I knew was a lie. > G4 was once in a lifetime. at least, they´d better let us enjoy a better gen than the previous ones. > The mods switched into backseat moderation before moot left I was right around that period on /mlp/ but I didn´t actively lurk that much to tell the difference before Moot leaving in January ´15, especially while I was discovering the chan dynamic in general. > that may well be another factor contributing to the fact even more. yeah, I wonder how that will pay off.... > what's going on on the website you own would rather be of major importance. in theory, it should be like that but I eft that board around there like endchan did before the arrival of Christmas ´17. > There may be no 'ride' for the owner, or several 'rides' picked up over from communities residing on his chan. the ride is the same just that I wasn´t that comfortable as I would have imagined, not to mention that endchan has a little bit more moderation that I personally like in comparison to no rules. That site is certainly a bit underdeveloped for my taste so I preferred continuing over here despite the mess with the images in spring.