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>>/3158/ Let's look at both sides of this coin, shall we? This board is very small. I know my post is either going to be addressed to you or L23. Stop right there. Their is times were I have to address ya or him, so I have to refer to y'all as something, even if it's a causal BO or wordy nickname "anon" nickname. As it has been said, there is no crowd to hide behind. Then there is the fact that the canvas of much of the OC that has already been posted here often draws to various degrees from the personal realm. The personal has been been discussed already here; though it is not the only topic, it has come up. There has been some discussion on life details and such being brought up. These two points is where the the temptation to tripfag/namefag arises, as there is a identity with each poster even you and personal has already been breached. Yet... Notice. I have never taken a name here even in my stories?. Bridgefag is a placeholder given to me simply by L23 to call me something when I need to be addressed (such as referring to the fics I wrote). There has been a reluctance on my part to take one. I have always been more of a lurker who doesn't like attention even if my exposure to smaller sites and different dynamics makes me more liberal on expression on the chan front. I detest certain social media dynamics quite heavily, though I see this place as more laid back and I can think of plenty of things that I am open to here but wouldn't do on a more proper chan, for experimenting sake anyway. I understand the reluctance to namefag, I have it even here. Though I am open to it as it could make sense from a utilitarian standpoint here but if reminds you of the dynamics of social media and attention whoring I can relate. > same set of images over and over was rather cringy experience tbh... I get the same feeling when I visit ponychan once in a while. Ponychan, oh what can I say about that site? I don't know how to explain it but I've always felt very uncomfortable there, but there are aspects of it that are hard to articulate for me. I've tried to ponder upon it in the times I've visited there. Is it the tripfaging and social aspect? Maybe to an extent but not to itself. Because there are other places that have way more of that dynamic yet I don't really care at all. Is it the bad taste from the old moderation? Perhaps that plays a part, even with the new administration I had one incident where I felt a little weird about the logic of, but it isn't something I could pin to just that. It feels like something else is missing to describe it. There is something about the community dynamic of it and it's related websites (including that gives me pause, reluctance, and distaste, even with places that have ostensibly similar practices not bugging me much. Maybe it's somehow a warning on what not to do with a chan? I remember some people freaking out on stuff that they found on web archive that they thought was cringe and sometimes worse info from that site. which wouldn't be the case for a more anon cautious chan (though it isn't the namefaging as much as tieing into other social media and connecting it there). And the site's existential crisis between how much it should police everyone. Yeah, I think I probably overall agree with ya on the whole on tripfag when I sit and think about it, even if I'm more open. With significant caveats towards some lines that have already been crossed a bit and experimentation. Ponychan is a place that makes me give that same Twilight face and I wouldn't want to have that same "icky" feeling.