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>>/3171/ > at least, they´d better let us enjoy a better gen than the previous ones. Certainly. I will stick around unless it sucks really bad because I'll curious what they do with the characters. Wizzard unicorn fanservice Luna and Celestia could be an intrsting prospect ya'know? They can't go back to the previous level of mindless little girl crap and if they go mess up in a different way their still could be interesting elements involved. Heck, even if it does suck to the point I can't stand watching it I'll stick around to monitor the fandom and keep track anyway > the ride is the same just that I wasn´t that comfortable as I would have imagined, I know it's been a bit bumby hasn't it? > not to mention that endchan has a little bit more moderation that I personally like in comparison to no rules. Distrust of the mods or is there other rules or incidents that I'm not aware about besides that 3rd rule? That site is certainly a bit underdeveloped for my taste so I preferred continuing over here despite the mess with the images in spring. Yeah. As it stands right now at least. All other chans that have been checking around either are in a worse state (nextchan do to the beta state still may tried to reclaim the bunker moderation soon ), died (old polish 8chan clone that allowed other boards) or are way more unstable 64chan (died... twice than came back) and 314chan (has died and came back mutiple times. Are considering a comeback again after they made that whole dramatic annocement and went offline earlier this year). or just suck all around (mewch which I thick is dead or something). 8chan of course is completely out of the question as we'd have to be hidden least /pone/ would declare nuclear war and it wouldn't be fun just to hide and not raise the /pone/ banner. I'm still looking around though. > My life is a lie, everything I knew was a lie. the cake is a lie >>/3173/ I could have compressed this down a little I suppose. TDLR: I'm of a different mindset and principle, though I too have had some reluctance on that and will be refraining for now.