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> Calling the faggot from this place as writers is like calling the Iceland football team as if they were professional football players by getting in the group stage of the latest World Cup. 

TDLR: we are all in the same boat and if you have any thought you wanna share it would be fine to.

> yeah, thanks. I´ve found a bit of time tonight to make a couple of replies in between these tiring days. Hopefully on Monday I can recover a little bit the activity with all the replies.

Take your time and reply to what you feel like. Sometimes I too in busyness had to pick and choose. I mean it took me a long while to make it to the edit thread with a full formal reply. Besides, sometimes one's mind may completely draw a bank other than one subject anyhow. So no worries about deadlines here. I'll make posting in /go/ or scrap edit posting  every once in awhile to keep up activity in the meantime.  same applies to you BO 

> I´ve been noticing that you have posted a few things of my country over time. 

Funny enough my family actually celebrates Epiphany/3 kings day believe it or not do to my great grandfather being from a certain other country that celebrates it. Though it isn't a big thing, we just get donuts and a few other minor traditions. Certainly, not as big as in Spain. As for other things relating to your home country, just showing a little bit of respect.  

> And changing the mood all over again after having all these festivities simply sucks. Normal classes don´t affect me that much but having the exams period right after it is devastating. You cannot focus properly and a few partners of mine share this problem as well.

It's because there is no warm up period. In various areas in life I noticed a mentality where for each break some would get this logic that they wouldn't just go back to normal, but seem to try to play catch up with what should be a break. Very annoying, very draining. I wish you luck. Certainly take you time.

> Epiphany used to bring so much fun as a kid. The new generation may have got fun around that day but for me, not so much.

Such a period such as primary education a lot of things get pushed aside don't they? Hang in there. 

> that Dolores looks like she´s staring at you with the little holes inside the eyes. Certainly not the most welcoming look.

That's because Changlingers are truly bad at disguise.