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> I dont´t have a huge gallery to begin with. I will try to rotate and add new images but I have to reuse them sometimes.
> I have actually considered doing it in the event of all of us live posting together just to help in the chaos. I suppose I can understand to the extent of being pissed off at it with the way I see ponychan staying on the same few images every post and it making things kind of boring though.
It's not the reusal of the same images alone that ticks me off (although that is surely an aggravating factor), it's the "X is my waifu, so that means every image I post must feature her, preferably in the focus" and the actual avatar posting mindsets that somehow gets me. And you need not even repeat images for that. But it's all defined in terms of "I know when I see it" style judgement, not some objective and clear requirements one has to fulfil to fit the bill. It has to have that particular "feel" to it, if you know what I mean.

> especially when there are conspirators in /pol/ that claim that social media bosses/google/CEO are trying to kill anonymity
I don't know how much of that is a conspiracy, really. Going rhetorical, the less anonymity, the easier control. Yeah, let's not delve into that.
> That could explain why there is a big rejection these days
I like to think actually though about that only at the time of writing this post, but it makes for nice expression in writing that it's actually contrarianism spirit of chans at play with the rising tide of all-connected social media and online presence all around.