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> Their is times were I have to address ya or him
That is what quote function is for. yes I'm being dense on purpose
> even if it's a causal BO or wordy nickname "anon" nickname
Yeah, pseudonimity, a step further from anonymity, is a good compromise in its domain.
> The personal has been been discussed already here
> as there is a identity with each poster
Ideally there shouldn't be any. Or something. I don't really know anymore. But we're all only human, after all.

Actually, damn You. Damn You both for making me think about conceptualising the ideal so much. From the romantic (as in, relating to romanticism ideals, not the love connotation) aloof and vague idea perfect in every shape and form, diluted to mere ...something with lot of holes and unanswered questions. I don't exactly know.
It's exactly like the "never meet your heroes" says.

> Ponychan, oh what can I say about that site? I don't know how to explain it but I've always felt very uncomfortable there, but there are aspects of it that are hard to articulate for me
To clarify a bit what I said before, Ponychan is to me like any other website, so to say. There are some perfectly fine threads etc. just that some parts of the website/threads invoke this feeling.

> It feels like something else is missing to describe it.
Don't worry about it. I understand how it is, I get that a lot. Sometimes something just is, in and of itself.
For example I'd give You this answer if You'd ask me why I like ponies. I don't know why. I just like them.