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>>/3173/ THAT PIC IS GOING FULL PSYCHODELIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH > I know my post is either going to be addressed to you or L23. addressed to the spanish faggot who cannot stop praising that gospel band.....reporting in. > there is no crowd to hide behind. that´s true but I like to have a philosophy that if someone reads this, they get something out of it with that anonymity virtuosity outside. > These two points is where the the temptation to tripfag/namefag arises, as there is a identity with each poster even you and personal has already been breached yes, it almost feels like the poster behind is playing a character. Now, watch out! Most fags repeat the avatarfagging to be attention whores of the thread and derail it for trolling or whatever. I personally have explained a lot and I don´t have the need to use that technique not to mention that there are better ways to express the personal thoughts you have behind. > Bridgefag is a placeholder given to me simply by L23 to call me something when I need to be addressed (such as referring to the fics I wrote). There has been a reluctance on my part to take one. I have always been more of a lurker who doesn't like attention even if my exposure to smaller sites and different dynamics makes me more liberal on expression on the chan front. yeah, that´s true. Staying out there as a background lurker holds the magic of privacity and if it gets broken, well, everyone else is watching you. In fact, that Bridgefag address is something that I apply to differentiate to what I guess I am referring to. Not to mention that another one can replace you and shitpost the Dolores memes more than you and lose that name for someone else. I can hold a name but not because of social media, but because I think I can deal with exposing myself in the front. I have found a technique to deal with it over time. > though I see this place as more laid back and I can think of plenty of things that I am open to here but wouldn't do on a more proper chan, for experimenting sake anyway. that entirely relies on the posters who participate in the thread. I am not saying that this board will get out of its own dramas but yeah, in comparison, it´s way less hostile and more like discussing behind the cameras. Like /mlp/ conveys an attitude to the rest but here, it´s simply another side....for now. Experimenting and using this place for alternative ways is what I consider key to move forward to some place that...well, I don´t know, use content and discuss it where others don´t. > I am open to it as it could make sense from a utilitarian standpoint here but if reminds you of the dynamics of social media and attention whoring I can relate. I can certainly see when one namefags himself for the sake of attention whoring. But do you know a way to make it less relevant? By making the thread boring even if there are baits thrown around. Either that or taking its attention whoring to the absurd level by exposing him beyond the intended levels to the point he is too involved into the thread to escape and leave without saying more things after it. One would say that hide and report is the solution but this is not /mlp/, so there have to be other ways to deal with that case.