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>>/3173/ > There is something about the community dynamic of it and it's related websites (including that gives me pause, reluctance, and distaste, even with places that have ostensibly similar practices not bugging me much. then it´s something that only you sense with it and that´s fine. I personally haven´t had any attachment to it save for a few threads about the episodes around 2015 early 2016. But for the most part, I feel indifference about that site despite having tripfags all around their threads. > it's somehow a warning on what not to do with a chan? probably but I am telling that it cannot be the only one that throws the principles to the trash. > they thought was cringe and sometimes worse info from that site. which wouldn't be the case for a more anon cautious chan (though it isn't the namefaging as much as tieing into other social media and connecting it there). And the site's existential crisis between how much it should police everyone. ugh, throwing policies to anyone just to keep the identity is complicated and I personally wouldn´t know how to deal with that. The brony term has always carried the cringe tag by itself and if it´s because of NSFW stuff, it impresses me less. > Ponychan is a place that makes me give that same Twilight face and I wouldn't want to have that same "icky" feeling. alright. That´s fine. At least, it serves as a reference and one can point it out to see how the results would go by applying the formula. Checking what others did for future directions is a wise idea to know what to do...or at least, what it shouldn´t be done (even though the verb should implies subjectivity). >>/3174/ > when I thought about ponychan I remembered that little freakout about stuff on the achieve. yeah, even if that brought a scary feeling, one has to face with the past events and what others did with the same tools. > I've always had reluctance for namefaging tough I will likely take one with my major story project anyway. well, you already can use the one you have or get different ones for each fic. That´s up to you. > Some truth to the aversion but such paranoia often takes out hurts even old traditions. Let's not enter into the political area right now thhough... yeah, sadly it twists and distorts things that were considered as nice things. Don´t worry about the political discussion, you had September and November for that. It´s overexplained and it ends up with the same stuff with a different cover. Call me for another month for that or for the next part of my fic. But not now. >>/3175/ > I didn't think we'd have that type of feel even if we did namefag but I was saying this in the spirit of I can relate to that feel. it truly depends on the faggots that you are discussing with more than anything else. Even when someone when you get hurt and get a few bounds, either they hurt more because you feel in a hostile environment or hurt less because you are with someone who won´t keep going beyond it. And even get a laugh... who knows.