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>>/3215/ > "X is my waifu, so that means every image I post must feature her, preferably in the focus" I don´t have a waifu but characters to get a personal attachment. Either it´s because I write about them, because I want to give them the spotlight (and I wouldn´t be the only one) or because it´s the image I feel like feeling posting a that time for some reason. > it's all defined in terms of "I know when I see it" style judgement, not some objective and clear requirements one has to fulfil to fit the bill. It has to have that particular "feel" to it, if you know what I mean. yeah, the practical cases serve to understand what you explain much better. Lurking on /mlp/, one might get a few daily cases of it. > Going rhetorical, the less anonymity, the easier control. Yeah, let's not delve into that. 1984 all over again in steroids. Anyway, moving on. > I like to think that it's actually contrarianism spirit of chans at play with the rising tide of all-connected social media and online presence all around. not a bad speculation actually. In fact, I wonder if some boards didn´t care that much about having a name during the late 00s or even in the era of Myspace. For the most part, 4chan has been carried by /pol/ more than /b/ these days. So that´s why I imply that rejection due to political paranoia rather than social motifs. Your point makes sense even though I see it as contributing factor more than the main reason. >>/3216/ > damn You. Damn You both for making me think about conceptualising the ideal so much. From the romantic (as in, relating to romanticism ideals, not the love connotation) aloof and vague idea perfect in every shape and form, diluted to mere ...something with lot of holes and unanswered questions. I don't exactly know. Life by a problem. The feelings invoked may have come on purpose or not. The posts before these ones also carried conceptual themes and not easy ones to discuss. This is what happens when someone wants to decide the next direction when no one actually knows but only discussing where to go by checking mistakes form the past. And even then, the steps are being made even if someone is blind to the path he is taking. > It's exactly like the "never meet your heroes" says. I have no heroes to admire. I am trying to find someone close to that but after discovering how the world works, heroes don´t wear a cape nor incite to claim themselves as one. The hero is what you consider down to your preferences and subjective judgements more than anything else. I have met people that one may consider ideal but those are just simply nothing outlandish. They may look fairly right in front of the cameras but behind the scenes and commercial speeches, do they hold those values all the time? I don´t think so.