> Nice job with the new general.
yeah. I had to reorganize the descriptions a little bit even though the main scheme was already made in the previous thread.
> May Tournevis come and see irory one day.
I hope he gets to see this too. Just that one doesn´t know where he is these days nor he would care for a shitpost he made in a matter of seconds. I think we give him more credit than what he actually did at the time.
> dead squad rules!
we blew the last thread completely in the last posts: you with the ponies dancing, the BO fixing the screaming with multicolored letters and me for setting up the chaos.
That song I quoted and linked was the most danceable tune I have posted over here and also one that kind of fit to ponies (when it comes to parties). Giving a happy contrast (even if one resorts to the autism method) feels refreshing in a sea of pessimistic/down to earth bibles. The most ironic thing is that the lyrics were written with this line: "everybody is swinging their hips" and for pic related, it would have worked but I had to change it for "shaking their heads" instead in order to fit them more into the party.
But yeah, /endpone/ has delivered and it shows that it´s capable to reach the bumplock in a short period of time (relatively speaking in the altchans league).
I don´t know if it rules but the dead squad did it again. It shows that even those who are theoretically dead in the eyes of everyone, out there in a small corner where no one goes nor bothers to visit that place.....they are dancing.