> Are they unappreciated? They are indeed beautiful but I mostly try to hide my praise about them most of the time and attempt to talk about them critically because a blind vision doesn´t encourage any outsider for what you like.
Yeah, I still sometimes see a shitpost or two but nothing that substantial at this point.
> Not saying that I am fanboy (dangerously close to that though) but as soon as their designs were shown back in 2017, my eyes seemed to have seen the glory. It´s like it´s almost impossible to go wrong. Whoever designed them, I have to give them my biggest congratulations for the effort.
They are appealing. Not simplistic enough to be over marketed like the minions, not over designed like the "harmony power" ponies from the season 4 final, and not drawing too much from IRL seahorses to be kind of bland and or creepy. I can understand how'd you feel that way considering the other paths that could've been taken.
> I started to spontaneously write and the most important event, shitposting them over here because I didn´t have the chance on /mlp/ to do whatever I wanted at the time.
That's the advantage here. Even with...
> And funnily enough, all of this happened....
side effects...