> Sweetie Belle looked like she was about to cry.
> "I'm sorry, I just havin' a hard time processin' this. It is kinda hard ta believe ya'know?"
> A small half grin briefly played upon Sweetie Belle's lips.
> "I know it's hard to accept. I couldn't handle being blue either."
> "Why would ya think I couldn't handle ya bein' blue?"
> Sweetie Belle looked to Apple Bloom.
> "Because blue is such a generic sad color."
> Apple Bloom nearly laughed.
> "Sweetie, there is plenty of ponies who are blue and just fine, beautiful even!"
> "Name one."
> "Trixie, Lyra... LUNA!"
> Sweetie Belle almost seemed a little annoyed.
> "Lyra is just cyan, which is a bastardization of blue and green. Trixie is dumber than even me, and Luna is just sad. Pretty, but sad..."
> Apple Bloom wasn't sure whether she could believe what Sweetie Belle just said, it seem so unlike her.
> Than again there was a certain logic to it.