> "Sweetie Belle, you're not stupid!"
> Sweetie Belle looked up to Apple Bloom with a sad look.
> "You don't think I'm not stupid? I... I told a secret that I kept perfectly since I was a baby. Now that's a stupid move."
> "But I can't stand to hind my secret anymore. Makes me feel sick down to the soul."
> Apple Bloom leaned over and put a foreleg around her friend.
> "I'm still not entirely sure how ta process this but I'm here fer ya Sweetie. Me, and Scootaloo will help ya through this."
> "It's going to be so hard though ta handle it all. All the questions. It'll be awhile till my fur goes back to being blue and it'll be just ugly for few weeks."
> Apple Bloom didn't know how she'd help Sweetie Belle through it, but she'd be there for her.
> And she knew what make any young filly feel better.
> "Ya wanna stay fer supper? Granny's making apple pie!"
> Sweetie Belle's mood seemed to lift at the mention of pie.
> "Thanks... Apple Bloom."