thumbnail of tempest_vector_by_mysteriousshine_dcs1rgf-pre.png
thumbnail of tempest_vector_by_mysteriousshine_dcs1rgf-pre.png
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> lmao, the sarcasm are very present lately in your posts.
I guess it has, hasn't it? I can't think of any reason why, just have had these little quips. 

> So if I had to point out what I find underwhelming in it, it would be the rushed concept or explanation behind that lacks a little bit of development (even though I have to take into account that this was written in a very short period of time). The situation by itself seems plausible but I seem to remain in the same position as AB did.
This is pretty much my thoughts of the story only a more negative view. The story neither capitalized on the seriousness or the surrealness of the situation. It was a bit funny, but it never went to a hight. It would be almost like you were watching a family sitcom and they randomly ran into a bug alien at the store with no explanation and never exploring it ever again, even within the episode's plot. Is Sweetie telling the truth? Is her family really colorbind and did she really dye her fur white from age 2? If she is lying, why? The story feels not mediocre, but mechanical, it was meant to test out the picture format and it being completed in an hour. Though I don't consider it a failure I don't consider it something worthy on its own merits outside the test that it served. As an animation or comic though it could work with the short format with the lack of explanation. 

> WOW, Sweetie Belle, the board owner is going to have a few words with you. Watch out your mouth if you don´t want to get banned over here.
She is a bit jaded for sure, though those were little jokes I came up with on the spot. She sees being blue as bad and was dismissive of Apple Bloom's trying to reassure her. The cyan remark easily being a stolen opinion from Rarity that she just shot out as a quick way to dismiss Apple Bloom. 

> shitting on these blue ponies that are charming as hell...Sweetie, have you checked your taste at ponies? I don´t think you have the best one out of the bunch. 
These things aren't true, but they are easy to portray as so by detractors and perhaps have some kernel of truth depending on your perspective.  I was actually drawing on how Trump would opperate durring the Republican primaries believe it or not. His nicknames such as 'low energy Jeb' and 'llttle macro'. He'd pick one trait that was at least somewhat true, or at least, protrayable and hammer it in with a nickname to the public consciousness  I thought of the trait of sadness especially could be applied in tha way to Luna as a reduction of her character. Trixie, stupidity would be a cheep shot that could be applied, but more than likely her past mistakes would be used to define her than just simple stupidity.