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>>/3557/ > I can't think of any reason why, just have had these little quips. if I had to told all the posts in which I had to leave spontaneous thoughts according to the mood one has while shitposting....I would need like the entire weekend to point them all. There is a moment when one begins to shitpost with an organic mindset. That´s what one collects in the end for staying away from the typical nature of a chan. > The story neither capitalized on the seriousness or the surrealness of the situation. It was a bit funny, but it never went to a hight. that could explain why one would find a lack of emotions out of it. I don´t know what to bring special about it and I suppose that lack of extreme emotions and punch is what left me a bit in the middle of the road. > It would be almost like you were watching a family sitcom and they randomly ran into a bug alien at the store with no explanation and never exploring it ever again, even within the episode's plot. so basically you are referring that this story is like throwing plot holes at its core that for some reason happen. Yeah, that might explain it because I would have to ask why she didn´t reveal it earlier or showed subtle signs about it. She commented about it so abruptly and got over the situation really soon. If this is a concept to throw away that simply happens, then the actual plot is in another place, not in this little piece. > Is Sweetie telling the truth? Is her family really colorbind and did she really dye her fur white from age 2? If she is lying, why? yeah, you were aware of it before posting it. > The story feels not mediocre, but mechanical, it was meant to test out the picture format and it being completed in an hour. it´s certainly confusing to review these pieces. Not only because it´s a test but because the vision and ideas weren´t completely explored nor intended to give a big exposition. With the Revolution fic, at least, I had pretty clear from the start that one should put a serious mindset but for tests that simply happen, one doesn´t know where to land at giving observations. I suppose that for tests there will be no ratings and simply feedback and a few reflections here and there. > Though I don't consider it a failure I don't consider it something worthy on its own merits outside the test that it served. do you think that the good artists, writers, celebrities, etc were born knowing from the start? Just think about all those cringy anthro artists from the early years and how many artists deliver good content these days. I also started with fear at writing and it took me a few months to realize that for securing a good story, the translation offered to me a revision or 2nd thoughts that would make the green more organic than the first idea. > As an animation or comic though it could work with the short format with the lack of explanation. definitely, it´s simply a spontaneous story that would fit those Hasbro magazines that have little comics thrown around. Either way, filler content is still content and that counts.