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>>/3577/ > I could present myself in such a light, and has I've had some very significant down points. It be dishonest to present it as just that though. Even if I could select experiences that I could give the impression of a poor kid who lived on the rough side of town (Drugs, gang violence, one guy tried to set my family's house on fire from the back alley, etc). Well, that´s like selling and overexaggerating a past that you distort so you can reach more people and selling those drama bait events for getting more sympathy. A pretty common practice. That doesn´t work for me because it´s really hard to find genuine misery behind those stories. Life is fucked up but to an extent, it doesn´t go to a well without reaching the bottom as most people claim but it´s pretty easy to fall into that sense. > And that little bit really paints a picture, but it ain't a full one (the drugs were usually tame, by my teens the gang violence had died down to the point where I hardly ever run into shady people in my neighborhood, and that setting house on fire was one incident, I'm not the only one who had to deal those crazy neighbors, I once spent awhile in the countryside away from town, etc). when the explanations and backstories happen, then the conclusions change a lot. I have gone through that gang violence period without taking part, just being in the background, for a couple of years. About drugs, well I am pretty tired of musicians falling into them and have shown way worse symptoms than that (and exposed into the press) . Nothing extraordinary, especially when they got massively popular around the 70s (before even). About the fire incident, if that guy caused a problem indifferently to you, then he could have perfectly set up that same situation to any other neighbor. In fact, it seems that one has only problems with problematic people when others also have to deal as you say with those people. Lastly, about the escape to the countryside, I have met a contact that also did that during the night. Her mother was so worried that even the police was looking after him and he ran away for a few hours. Nowadays, that person is perfectly fine and has earned a pretty upbeat mood these latest years. That event happened because of tensions with the family. That subject gave up and showed those frustrations by doing running away to the outskirts. > I will say that I am unsure how to characterize it all, and there is a lot of strange forces and situations that I would certainly say were probably not very comparable to others if nobody was different and never had different circumstances, why bother if everyone was the same in the first place? > but were too mundane to consider truly amazing or bad, just strange enough to raise questions in a way. well, a brony praises this show for mundane lessons...maybe those little details are what make life special. > I don't wanna join that social media game well, you aren´t showing these thoughts with just 140 characters. That by itself detours from a very popular social site. > so I won't raise any issues again unless something really relates to the topic or I drawn on some life experience for a fanfic well, making your personal thoughts artistic is a pretty damn fine filter for describing those feelings. In fact, I would say that recontextualizing them and setting them up properly requires some effort behind the process. So yeah, that medium or basically any kind of art, filters those thoughts. Now, my replies do not come from an expert on psychology, I am not studying that exactly. Just a random faggot who gives a few thoughts/observations about these lines.