Autumn_Blaze_Nirik_fo... png
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>>/3645/ > every standard has been set pretty fast and it feels like we are moving at a really fast pace in general. This might explain why everything on the internet gets old after a short period of time. It seems like there is this split between a group that's trying to consume the newest stuff all the time ("meme culture", mainstream animation fandoms, movies, etc). And another side that is in the past and more fragmented (our fandom, most weeb websites outside some of the largest ones, various other niches that got there start before social media, etc). > Don´t take them as the ultimate poison but analyze but it´s worth getting from there. In the end, you are the only one who decides to be selective with them. Wise words right there. > you will find out. Like you felt about Ponychan, you will discover where you see yourself comfortable or fit in without problems. I suppose so. I'm just very distrustful, even with the smaller areas. I'm not really looking to be social as much as forging a few connections and fallout areas to get /confy/ when 2020 happens. if I find any places that are good I'll pass it on here > What I have described sounds masonic as hell and it certainly is but it works and what´s even more amazing, it´s that it becomes true after the quality content drops. Interaction is key. Sometimes there can be something with a half decent viewer base but no one would tell from there being no comments or feedback at all. I should know, I kept one MLP tumblr blog going for a year being almost the only one asking questions > So yeah, go for it if you want. Yeah, probably will once I get a few things settled. > I like this guy. Though I've never bothered to shell out cash yet to see his work and am not sure it's even my taste, I've always respected him for standing on such ground on his own and being truly independent and uninfluenced despite all nearly mainstream recognition he gets from the awards and the imitations of his style. > I suppose the nirik mode would remind me of something but I don´t see it. Do you have in mind anything in particular? Not anything in particular but a general sense with the more overdisgned look and nirik. Maybe it's just me but my first thought was pokemon when I saw them.