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1991370 pc edit jpg
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>>/3728/ instant scary flashbacks intensify! *Sweetie Derelle screams >>/3727/ > Looks like ya got rid of some of the graininess from the crayon/markers. that simply takes by increasing the clarity bar to a higher number. I wouldn´t using it with a higher number of 140 more or less (pixels will appear and that downgrades the quality of the picture). By 140 I mean, putting the 100 number and then editing it again with more clarity above the edit. > I can see what you wouldn't consider it much to show off, but I can understand the reasoning of a slight adjustment. it´s simply what I view and what my body asks me to do, nothing else. It simply takes me like a couple of minutes to made an edit like that on PC. > This one looks cool with the edit. Main thing that looks off putting is the portions of the heads, particularly Cadence's chin but they aren't that distracting in the edit. yeah, in fact I believe that Chrysalis was wearing a mask that she is levitating with her magic. That aspect might turn a little bit off, I simply found it and I wasn´t all that convinced about its brightness/contrast. I didn´t expect to reach this level of edginess but I decided to jump onto the no wave route this time around. Basically, the album covers that were shown over here >>/3195/. > This one is my fav. It's like a bit smaller version of what you did with that Apple Jack picture.The more vibrant colors and shading make an already nice picture look beautiful. funnily enough, that required like a minute or less. The image spoke by itself and I only had to adjust the brightness and take care of the contrast and the clarity in order to upper its quality. It has like 88 upvotes on Derpi...and I wonder how much the edited version would get if it was uploaded over there. > do to minor matters that have arisen leading to a bit of delay in full replies. I am also having stuff to do yet I make these quick edits just to not bore the personal. Alright, so how do I judge you? >>/3735/ it seems that you have intensified the purple tone and the first image looks pretty clear as well. It hasn´t been downgraded yet. The 2nd one is purely A E S T H E T I C out of 10. If you want to impress someone with a retro vibe (vaporwave, synthwave,80s futuristic scenery in general), this is the picture to pick. It´s like the image has lost a bit of clarity in order to bring an aura of blurriness because of the excess of purple tone. >>/3736/ now, this gothic image is what I though about a what if. Basically, I knew that oversaturating the image of contrast it would lead to a darker body, especially her face. This one shows more than the first one because of the red tones that are randomly yet strategically put (?) in order to bring an edgier feel. As for the emboss edit, I would imagine that this is the most badass stallion that one could see. I am not seeing Luna but another pony that showed this serious but serene face in the middle of an uncomfortable situation. If it wasn´t because of the female eyebrows, I would mistake her.