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> "Apple Bloom..."

> "Apple Bloom..."

> Apple Bloom's eyes fluttered open. She felt the grass beneath her body. 

> Slowly a vague white form took shape before her.

Sweetie Belle!
> Apple Bloom hurried to her hooves. She was in a grassy field, a brief glance behind her revealed  the town below the hilltops: Ponyville.

> When Apple Bloom turned her attention back to her friend, a wide smile greeted her eyes.

> Sweetie Belle was normally bubbly but she seemed especially happy today.

> "What's up Sweetie Belle?" 

> "Ready for the hike?" Sweetie Belle asked as Apple Bloom suddenly noticed that she was waring camping saddlebags.

> She was apparently waring them too. She could even feel their weight. 

> She didn't have them on when she had first woken up, did she?

> "Where are we hiking to?" Apple Bloom asked, the first question leaving her mind.

> Sweetie Belle gestured to a large once unnoticed mountain in the distance that cast a a shadow over them.

> It even made Canterlot look puny.

> "It's where the Mare in the Mountain lives!"