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> Apple Bloom was unfamiliar with the name.

> "Who's she?"

> Sweetie Belle seemed incredulous.

> "You don't know who she is!? She's like the most awesome mare around!"

> "Sweetie Belle, I... uh," Apple Bloom felt a little awkward not knowing who the Mare in the Mountain was. Made her feel out of the loop.

> "What's she like?"

> "Nah. I'll wait till I can show you! If you don't know what she is like that will make it more fun for when you see her for the first time!"

> Another thought occurred to Apple Bloom as she looked around.

> "Where is Scootaloo?"

> Sweetie Belle gave her a blank stare, almost as if she didn't understand what she had said.

> Had she been too quiet?

> "Scootaloo left already. She said she'd meet us up at the moutain," Sweetie Belle sad after a too long pause.

> It confused Apple Bloom, though she couldn't say Sweetie wasn't a little dense at times.

> She brushed it off.